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Red Clocks

I was more confused than anything else. The writing often tried to make it look vague, while never going deep into what each character is thinking.

Despite the fact that it’s tackling one of the most debated topics in the world. Should women have rights over the child, or should they be reduced to having less rights over their body than a corpse.

It is about abortion and it being made illegal.

It never does what it gives to them, it does explain the effect but it never makes it a conflicting worldview. Or really goes deep into what will happen long term.

We have heard of how abusive adoptive parents are, orphanages are, even foster care isn’t that nice. Or even whether the world is overpopulated as it is. Not just a matter of resource allocation, but also because it’s just stretched way too thin.

Red clocks delve deeply into the story as it is. But it doesn’t address many of the issues that some Quora questions does better at. What is the right of a human life? And when does it start? At birth or the moment the cells start forming.

What do we do if it is killing the mother, or if the mother has cancer. Have the child and die, or have it die so the mother can live. It doesn’t address this issue at all. It explores but never gives a real deep meaningful discussion on this.

There are some nice character choices, but I don’t feel that it is enough at all.

And that is why I was confused by the characters, but also found it underwhelming.

Rating: 2.5 out of 5

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